DIY: Coconut Hair Repair Mask

Want to learn how to save your hair and your money?  Read below!

Want to learn how to save your hair and your money? Read below!

After trawling through the wonderful halls of Pinterest, I realised that the jar of coconut oil I had sitting in my room was totally versatile and I wanted to do something with it.  So at 7:45 AM this morning, I got the jar of coconut scented oily goodness and a roll of cling-wrap and made a bee-line for the bathroom.

I’d heard of oil masks before, hell I’d actually almost bought this one (I still want it), and I was undoubtedly curious.  So with my curiosity in hand, I bundled up the ends of my extremely long hair and soaked it in my Coconut Oil (which you can purchase here) and then wrapped it very carefully in this kind of odd looking thing.  And then sat around and wrote this post for an hour (aka Pinterest procrastination).

Coconut oil is one of the most understated oils, there’s Moroccan Oil, Argan Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil, and Castor Oil, all of which are fabulous for the hair of course.  But coconut oil is the only one which boasts the stunning smell of genuine fresh coconuts!

When the waiting was over, I very awkwardly headed towards the shower with my odd cling wrapped hair still in a bundle and went about my normal hair wash routine (there will be a post up about that within the coming week).

And boy were the results amazing!  My hair has never been silkier or smoother!  I have naturally horrific hair.  The type that hairdressers dread – unruly, dense, thick, frizzy and curly.  I have spent hundreds of dollars on products for my hair through the course of my life and nothing has worked as well as a fifteen dollar jar of coconut oil.  I cannot even express my gratitude for this product, and for the lovely Teisha Lowry who manages the production which sees every coconut hand pressed!

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